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Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Ukraine-2-ua.jpg" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 16 KB)
My Kyiv <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b1.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="My Kyiv" title="My Kyiv"></a>
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My Kyiv <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b2.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="My Kyiv" title="My Kyiv"></a>
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My Kyiv <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b3.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="My Kyiv" title="My Kyiv"></a>
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My Kyiv <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b4.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="My Kyiv" title="My Kyiv"></a>
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My Kyiv <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b5.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="My Kyiv" title="My Kyiv"></a>
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Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100_1.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 14,9 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100x64_1.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 26,5 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100_2.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 14,2 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100x64_2.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 29,2 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100_3.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 15,1 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100x64_3.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 29,6 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100_4.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 15,1 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_100x100x64_4.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
(size: 27,6 KB)
Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?) <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_RVD_100x100x8.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)" title="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)"></a>
(size: 14,9 KB)
Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?) <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_RVD_100x100x64.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)" title="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)"></a>
(size: 36,6 KB)

Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?) <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_RVD_400x40x8.gif" width=400 height=40 border=0 alt="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)" title="Може ми родичі? (Может мы родственники?)"></a>
(size: 14,7 KB)

Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917) <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Grusch_468x60x10.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917)" title="Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917)"></a>
(size: 14,9 KB)
Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917) <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Grusch_468x60x32.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917)" title="Унікальний примірник книги Михайла Грушевського "Ілюстрована Історія України" - "вісімнадцята тисяча", Київ-1917)"></a>
(size: 40,5 KB)
Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world <a href="//"><img src="///Kyiv/Images/Klym_b_Photo_468x60x64.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world" title="Pictures of walks around Kyiv (Kiev) and travels around Ukraine and other world"></a>
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